After installing iRedMail server on linode my domain stop working

I have just installed iRedMail by following this link

After last command shutdown -f now.

I am not able to log in via ssh or browser webmin panel in linode.

I have reboot and restart as well from linode profile and linode account saying server running fine. So any could you please tell me how I can rework my server and up websites again.

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

I think this is a conflict between Iredmail And Webmin

By installing IRedMail you have replaced Webmin's Mysql and/or Apache Server

SSH ISSUE: At the end of IredMail installation you have been prompted if you want to use IredMAils Iptables Rules , if you choose yes the instalation replaced your iptables and ssh port 22 is blocked.

You must connect to your Linode using Lish or Glish from the linode Control Panel and restore SSH Access from iptables.
For webmin i don t really know a fix besides reinstalling webmin.


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