Attach Block Storage to Windows?

Linode Staff

Setting up Windows on a Linode is possible, but since we do not provide licenses or images for it, it is technically not supported. That being said, I tried this out on my own and was able to get it working pretty easily:

If you create a Block Storage volume and attach it to your Linode following the normal process, Windows will detect it as an unformatted disk, and allow you to format it.

After creating the volume, attach it to your Linode in the Manager following the steps in our Block Storage guide. Then, you will boot the Linode, navigate to the Windows "Run" prompt (the keyboard shortcut "Windows+R" should bring this up) and type:


Windows will detect an unformatted volume and prompt you to format it. Once you do, the volume will become available for use within the Windows environment.

1 Reply

Right-click "My Computer" -> Manage; launches compmgmt.msc, which includes Disk Management (which is what diskmgmt.msc is) and many other useful tools, like the event log, firewall configuration, etc.


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