Can't able to change CNAME

Hi, have a problem with changing the CNAME.
I need the following configuration
Update the A record for "" (naked/bare domain) pointing it to (Working fine)
Add another A record for "" (naked/bare domain) pointing it to (Working fine)

Create or update the CNAME record for "" so that it points to
This gave me an error: Record conflict - CNAMES must be unique

Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong and what's the correct way to do it?

2 Replies already has an A record. You need to remove the A record for it before you can add a CNAME record.

Hey there,

The error Record conflict - CNAMES must be unique typically means that the there is already a record named something similar. It sounds like you are trying to name the CNAME record as "www". If there is another record that is named the same thing, such as an A or AAAA record, this will cause the same conflict.

When using the Linode DNS manager, it will automatically set up records under A/AAAA named www. They should allow you to do the same thing that you are trying to do with the CNAME record, so you may not need to change anything depending on your setup. Let us know if you have any other questions!


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