Linode's vCPU performance?

I am noticing the performance difference between running a Docker container on a Linode 2 core VPS and on our competitor's machine: 2+ seconds on the Linode machine and 0.6-1.1 seconds on the other machine. The Linode machine is 2-3 times slower.

So my questions are:
1 what's Linode's vCPU performance compared to a physical CPU's (like E7) performance?
2 how can I improve the performance when running a Docker container?


4 Replies

To make things more specific: I am not sure what the hardware/software configurations of the other machine are like, all we notice is the performance difference, which is not neglectable by our standards. While we are investigating the possibility of optimizations on the Docker container side, we'd like to understand the performance level Linode vCPU's are at and the possibility of hardware upgrade on the Linode side.

The performance you're going to see is going to vary wildly depending on host load. If a host is lightly loaded, performance should be very similar to running on bare-metal; however, if the host is heavily loaded, performance will suffer. If reliable performance is critical for you, you shouldn't be using a VPS.

what's Linode's vCPU performance compared to a physical CPU's (like E7) performance?

All Linodes use Intel E5 series processors. While the version might change, the performance is comparable across the board.

how can I improve the performance when running a Docker container?

Due to the nature of a virtual machine, you are unlikely to see similar performance as you would a physical machine. We have a great guide that you can refer to, When and Why to Use Docker that breaks down the pros and cons of using Docker on a Linode.

I thought Linode had some AMD EPYC 7451/7501 and Xeon Gold 6148 nodes too ?

Linode cpu's clock speed can vary due to E5-2680v2, E5-2680v3, E5-2697v4, Xeon Gold 6148 AMD EPYC 7451 and AMD EPYC 7501 cpus - probably some other models out there that we haven't run into yet heh

Also check cpu steal numbers for your cpu utilisation, some host nodes might be busier than others.

All Linodes use Intel E5 series processors. While the version might change, the performance is comparable across the board.

Actually performance can very a bit especially when it comes to cryptographic and HTTPS/SSL performance new to improvements in various generations of cpus. The jump between Intel Xeon E5-2600v1/v2 to E5-2600v4 is quite dramatic especially if you are doing ECC 256bit ECDSA ssl cipher based HTTPS. There can be up to 40-80% improvements clock for clock !


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