noob debian question, not concerning linode

I just set myself up a server at my company and after running debian on this (I was familiar most with redhat at the time) i decided to image it with debian.

All is well.. except the auto negotiate thinks it is half duplex. Obviously affects throughput.

I can force it to 100basetx-fd with mii-tool, but i tried setting media 100basetx-fd in /etc/network/interfaces and it didn't come backonline after a reboot =)

Anyone know how I can force it to switch to 100basetx-fd without an rc.local kinda thing?

3 Replies

I ran into this exact problem awhile ago with redhat. The docs for the specific net driver it used helped a bit. There was a way to turn on detailed logging and set other hardware options. The switch it plugged into was also part of the puzzle, it ended up at different speeds plugging into other devices. I ended up using a different nic and it worked fine.

Wish I could be more help, hope those clues aren't totally worthless, good luck.

Wish i could say it helped =/

Docs aren't too handy… nor are the #debian peeps… problem people don't run into a lot. I had the switch forced to be 100 full, changing it to auto.


It appears that the mii-tool setting stuck on reboot. I did not need to enter anything into /etc/network/interfaces afterall.

Very weird.

I wonder if that sticks on hard reboot tho… hrm. Time to find out.


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