Photo hosting?

Hi folks.

I've been hosting my photo albums on my linode for some time now, but I've totally maxed out the disk space now. $5/month is just too much for a gig of storage, so I was wondering if anyone could suggest a decent photo hosting service?

I'm just after something that is easy to upload (like Gallery), caption and organise the photos. No ads, no reducing the size of the images. I'm happy to pay, but it would want to be better than $5/month/gig.

Any suggestions?

4 Replies


No ads, no reducing the size of the images. I'm happy to pay, but it would want to be better than $5/month/gig.

Darn, I was about to suggest reducing the size of the images. Heh, it seems to me people don't usually need to view a 3+ megapixel image on their little 1280x1024 screens (1.2 mp). Usually you can use a stronger compression ratio as well. It's kinder on your bandwidth, and the viewer's bandwidth too. :)

I'd say he uploads them full size as a way of archiving them - the software (such as Gallery) scales them down for the viewer. That's certainly what I do.

I have friends using which is $25 a year for unlimited space. The interface compares well with Gallery. But for $25 you get 5 Gig at Linode - and that's a lot of pictures :-)



I'm happy to pay, but it would want to be better than 5/month/gig.

You could always upgrade to the next size Linode and get more memory and bandwidth for virtually nix, when you take the $5/month/gig into account.

Yes next size Linode would be nice, but US$120/year extra isn't really value-for-money. The extra RAM would be nice anyway though 8)

Yes, I do use full-size uploads as a way of archiving the photos. I guess I should just resize down and archive offline. Probably the sensible option, really.


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