

what does this mean?

Your Linode has consumed 5% of one Host CPU for this month

and what will happen when it reaches some point or smth?

One more thing - what does these variables mean:

cat /proc/io_status

iocount=937476 iorate=1 iotokens=400000 tokenrefill=512 token_max=400000

4 Replies


10 am and no answer from stuff? cool. Keep it going that way =)

This one might be helpful in understanding what the different values mean:

http://www.theshore.net/~caker/patches/ … ter.README">http://www.theshore.net/~caker/patches/token-limiter.README

This explains the cpu usage calculation.

Nothing happens if you reach 100% but if you are too greedy with your cpu and i/o usage the admins will reprioritise the process for your Linode to slow you down a bit.



10 am and no answer from stuff? cool. Keep it going that way =)

The answers were there for you all along if you had just searched the forums.


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