Best PHP forum software...

I run a website here on a linode that I now need to as seemlessly as possible, integrate a message board system into. The website I run display stock information, and I would like to have a forum for each company that I provide quotes for. I need something that is customizable, and can be integrated as seamlessly as say Yahoo does theirs:

Any suggestions? Will phpbb do what I need?

I am a very experienced php dev, so manipulating the code is fine, and I am not against purchasing a package if it will do the trick.

Thanks for any input, it is appreciated.


2 Replies

I've only heard good things about PunBB, but don't have any personal experience.

Here is one of the sites I host on my linode. I have 6 domains running with this model. It is a LAMP install. PHP-Nuke & PHPbb. You can create your own registration to look around a bit.

I also run horde mail for thes domains and a couple of teamspeak servers. My linode doesn't break a sweat.


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