Never gotten my annual payment special disk space

Hi Caker, I've set up my linode at the beginning of the year and I paid a

full year in advance since you advertised at the time (and you still

advertise) an 50% bonus disk space for those who do so. Haven't

needed it too badly until now, but I do need it now. Could you please

assign the extra space?



4 Replies

You may find putting in a support ticket the better way to get this done

Like adamgent suggested, a support ticket is best for something like this. If we don't know there is a problem we can't fix it. That being said, if your linode username is the same as your forums username, you do have your extra disk space and have had it since 2004-12-23 16:43:44.

You can see your disk space on the Overview or Disk Images tabs in the Member's section and compare that with


You know what? You are right, I was misreading a chart. Apologies. Lord


You know what? You are right, I was misreading a chart. Apologies. Lord

No problem, just glad to hear all is well.



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