what mean 'used card' ?

ok, i was buy a linode 64, and i don't know whats mean 'USED CARD' and card licence, i must be need send a pic of the CC?.. please reply.

3 Replies

No offense intended, but you might want to try speaking to one of your friends who can write english a little more clearly.


No offense intended, but you might want to try speaking to one of your friends who can write english a little more clearly.

It was pretty comprehensible to me. Let me paraphrase if it will help:

"OK, I tried to sign up for a Linode 64 account, but when I entered my credit card number, my request was rejected with the error "USED CARD", and I was asked to supply a "card license". Does this mean that I need to send a picture of the credit card? Please reply. Thanks."

My advice would be to contact the Linode sales support directly via email service@linode.com, or join the IRC channel (instructions are on the Linode website) and talk to Linode support directly. You will probably receive a faster and more directed response this way. Good luck.

The thread is over a month old, so probably has already got things sorted.



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