Yum Broke after install python2.3

i install python2.3 (and i dont delete 2.2 because Fedora core 1 need it)

but now i cannot use yum..

this is what i get.


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/yum", line 22, in ?

import yummain

File "/usr/share/yum/yummain.py", line 22, in ?

import clientStuff

File "/usr/share/yum/clientStuff.py", line 18, in ?

import rpm

ImportError: No module named rpm


the module rpm-python i have it.

rpm -q rpm-python




1 Reply

Not sure about Python as I don't use it. Coincidentally, I just compiled Perl 5.8.7 recently and cpan'ed a bunch of new modules for my opensrs implimentation. Perl modules use perl (duh) for their makefiles and has an option for PREFIX. Normally MakeFile.pl guesses the path to my perl modules just fine, however I had one that did not and installed in in /usr/local/lib rather than /usr/lib. So perhaps it's a path issue?


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