can't ssh into new account


I have just got a linode 64 account. I'm in a university and behind a http proxy which doesn't allow port 22 thorugh. I have tried tunneling programs with putty and ssh on cygwin, and I can't connect at all. Does anybody have any experience using ssh thorugh http proxy? If this doesn't work, could I get somebody else to log in for me and change the port used for ssh on my machine from 22 to 8080 (the one used by http proxy) until I get a basic system up and running with webmin etc or are there any other options.

I don't know much about ssh, I have read all the previous posts about connecting using ssh, but still can't get it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



7 Replies

I could be wrong here, but I don't think it's possible to traverse an HTTP proxy using SSH.


I could be wrong here, but I don't think it's possible to traverse an HTTP proxy using SSH.

MindTerm is a Java-based SSH client that allows traversing a HTTPS proxy, but the proxy configuration must allow it connect to port 22. Many "secured" HTTPS proxies only allow CONNECT's to 443, 80, 8080, etc..

Recent versions of PuTTY also have this functionality.

It might be useful to make a VPN tunnel through the proxy.


MindTerm is a Java-based SSH client that allows traversing a HTTPS proxy, but the proxy configuration must allow it connect to port 22. Many "secured" HTTPS proxies only allow CONNECT's to 443, 80, 8080, etc..

Recent versions of PuTTY also have this functionality.

Just wanted to let you know that the MindTerm client only work on SSH version 1, and not 2. Some distributions allow both versions, some don't.



MindTerm is a Java-based SSH client that allows traversing a HTTPS proxy, but the proxy configuration must allow it connect to port 22. Many "secured" HTTPS proxies only allow CONNECT's to 443, 80, 8080, etc..

Recent versions of PuTTY also have this functionality.

Just wanted to let you know that the MindTerm client only work on SSH version 1, and not 2. Some distributions allow both versions, some don't.

Are you sure about that? Their website says they support both:

~~[" target="blank">]( … fications/">](

I also run the free Mindterm java ssh client too :)

Very good stuff. I just did a ssh2 login with it, and logs on server says it's ssh2, too. I've also had no problems in connecting to ssh1-only servers as well.

thanks guys, mindterm works great





MindTerm is a Java-based SSH client that allows traversing a HTTPS proxy, but the proxy configuration must allow it connect to port 22. Many "secured" HTTPS proxies only allow CONNECT's to 443, 80, 8080, etc..

Recent versions of PuTTY also have this functionality.

Just wanted to let you know that the MindTerm client only work on SSH version 1, and not 2. Some distributions allow both versions, some don't.

Are you sure about that? Their website says they support both:

~~[" target="blank">]( … fications/">](

I also run the free Mindterm java ssh client too :)

Very good stuff. I just did a ssh2 login with it, and logs on server says it's ssh2, too. I've also had no problems in connecting to ssh1-only servers as well.

Agh! …. I think I was referring to an earlier version …


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