Anyone here familiar with STUN?

I am trying to use stun with an rtp/udp app that I wrote. I have built the stun client on three different OSes (OS X, linux [my linode], windows) and I get the same output from all when trying to use any of the public clients I know of (,,

STUN client version 0.94

Primary: Blocked or could not reach STUN server

Return value is 0xe

I have several questions:

for linode admins:

Is my linode a direct connect to the internet?

for the community:

Has anyone used stun sucessfully?

Do you have a known working stun server that I could test the stun client against?

Is there a better alternative to stun?



4 Replies


I have several questions:

for linode admins:

Is my linode a direct connect to the internet?
Yes, it is. However, the Dallas datacenter blocks a handful of TCP ports, but we have never had it interfere with usage, even exotic stuff.


Thanks caker.

The default stun server port is 3478 so that looks good.

Oddly enough, I am now getting expected feedback from the stunservers. Huh? No change on the cli on my part.

Anyway, my next task is to figure out (for those systems that are not behind symmetric NATs) what IP address to use.

Once again, anyone out there familiar with stun usage specifically to get the ip address of a NAT'd client?



Yes, it is. However, the Dallas datacenter blocks a handful of TCP ports, but we have never had it interfere with usage, even exotic stuff.

LOL, this part still cracks me up:

31337/tcp  filtered    Elite

31337 was default for BO2K i think.


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