Money has paid for one month, when account can be activated

I am an linode user from Shanghai, China. I paid USD27.38 on May 05 for

your service and receive your receipt email , you asked me to fax the "the

credit card holder's license (front and back) and the credit card used

(front and back)" to you, but at that time, I am not very clear what this

sentence mean. So I sent an inquiry email to you on May 6th to check the

content. It has been one month passed, I haven't got any reply from you

linode, and the money USD27.38 hasn't been refunded to my credit card. I am

so interested in your linode products, but frankly speaking, your service to

customer is not satisfied. Please check my status and contact me as soon as

possible. The detail information is as follows:

Invoice Number: 24107

Invoice Date: May 05, 2005

Your kindly help and serious work is much appreciated.

3 Replies

I am very urgent to get reply from Linode, why ignore my post? Mr. Caker?

We're looking into this. Please be patient. I'll try to have an answer for you via email by this evening.

Thank you,


I paid using credit-card. My Invoice Number: 25680, Payment Number: 23023, and there is no acces to log into member area and no answer from linode. please help.


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