
My renewal date for my account (christopherh) is April 30, but I cancelled my account yesterday. Is it normal that I can't access my Linode anymore ? There are some things I need to backup. I figured I would cancel a couple of days early in case I forgot to cancel on the 30th and get billed for a new month.

Is there any way to reactivate my Linode for just one day for me to get all my files ?

7 Replies

Hello Christopher,

I've reinstated your account, however your IP address has now changed.

This happens to people occasionally, and I'm curious if the following required checkbox in the cancel process isn't clear enough:

> Cancel Account Confirmation

[ ] Yes, I want to cancel this account immediately.


Yeah, if you check the box at the bottom your account is deleted from the system immediately. If not, it will automatically terminate at the end of your billing date.


If not, it will automatically terminate at the end of your billing date.
That part of your statement is not correct.

If you don't check the checkbox, nothing happens. Your account is not cancelled and will continue to be billed the next billing cycle.


yea :!: what then! Im just playin, but maybe Caker just for a suggestion, you should have another checkbox that says keep my account active until the end of the billing cycle. Or maybe a checkbox that says Do not Immediately terminate my account but please stop billing.

Cause if anyone is like me, then you have to do things when you think about them, otherwise you may as well say its not gonna get done. I got the memory of a turd.

Just a thought~


Hello Christopher,

This happens to people occasionally, and I'm curious if the following required checkbox in the cancel process isn't clear enough:

> Cancel Account Confirmation

[ ] Yes, I want to cancel this account immediately.


People aren't used to immediate cancellations. I'd suggest adding 'and immediately lose access to my linode' after the word account.


If want to cancel my account at the end of the month so that I do not get billed for May, do I need to log on and cancel it on April 30th? Or is there another way to do this? I want to keep using it for the rest of April, but not get billed for May.

BTW, I loved my Linode, it was wonderful, but after baby #2, I don't have any time to use it anymore. :(




If want to cancel my account at the end of the month so that I do not get billed for May, do I need to log on and cancel it on April 30th?
That is the way.



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