High Load Average

I am sorry, I know this a completely noob question, but I really need some help.

The first week of February, I ran an "emerge -u world" on my Gentoo based linode. Several things broke at that time, basically apache and smtp. After several days, I got things running again, but I have never been able to figure out why my Processor Load Average is high.

You can look at this Larrd Graph and clearly see that my linode is reporting High Load Average since February

So my question is how do I track down the rogue processes?



2 Replies


2.6.10-um and later have this bug, which, I'm assuming you're running… :)


Okay, it took you a whole 4 minutes to respond to my post… :-)

Thanks, I guess I should have posted my question to the forum sooner. I have been working on this issue since February. I could have found out it was a bug in four minutes if I had come here first.

Thanks for making Linode possible. It is certainly the best solution for me!



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