
Does Linode provide a backup service where by if the worst happens i wont lose everything?

6 Replies

Linode does not provide backup services last time I checked. If you will be using your vps for production purpouses, I sugest purchasing an off-site backup service. They are really cheap these days 8)

If you have a few gigs of space on a home linux box, look into using RIBS, which uses rsync to perform backups. You can keep a set of incremental backups without wasting disk space for each backup, since it uses hard links to make each incremental look like a complete filesystem tree. By using rsync, bandwidth usage is minimized - only the initial backup needs to pull down the whole system.

Thanks guys

To start with I would just like a backup of everything on the server, is there any easy way of doing this (i am a novice) to a windows XP home system?

I believe you can get a windows version of rsync running, and do your backups that way.

Personally, I run automatic rsyncs to a linux box, and only back up my configuration and data, not the entire OS (which can easily be reinstalled). If you can split it out that way, you can keep the bandwidth usage relatively low.


Personally, I run automatic rsyncs to a linux box, and only back up my configuration and data, not the entire OS (which can easily be reinstalled). If you can split it out that way, you can keep the bandwidth usage relatively low.

I do the same, it's a good system for doing backups.

Thanks guys, i dont have another linux box…..

Could i run rsyncs on my server maybe a different partition and maybe once a week transfer the backup file to my home pc for safe keeping?


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