Reverse IP Delegation


If I were to buy approx 15 extra IP addresses - is it possible to have the reverse DNS for these IPs delegated to my own NS?



3 Replies

I don't expect Linode to release control of reverse dns any more than you setting it via the webpage, and I'm not entirely sure there is a reason to unless you wanted to bypass the A record requirement.

The reason was so that I could automate the process of updating reverse dns records on a number of IP address (via a script, rather than having to login to my account and manually setting the reverse DNS entry for each IP address). It isn't too much of a problem, would just make life easier :)


You could easily make a script to go into your control panel, but I think the problem here is the TTL.

When you submit your changes to LPM, takes 6 hours to update it's zone file.

And since the TTL is 1 day, it will take over a FURTHER 1 day for the rest of the internet to pick it up.

So altogether it takes almost 2 days to effect an reverse DNS change.

Having reverse DNS delegation will easily solve that.


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