My disk is not full, but Linode Manager says it is
Linode Staff
I've run df -h and I can see that my disks have free space. Why does Linode Manager say I am using 100% of my disks?
[user@centos ~]$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 20G 1.9G 17G 11% /
devtmpfs 488M 0 488M 0% /dev
tmpfs 490M 0 490M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 490M 51M 440M 11% /run
tmpfs 490M 0 490M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 98M 0 98M 0% /run/user/1000
1 Reply
Linode Staff
df -h reveals how much space you are currently using on your filesystem. In Linode Manager, the section of your Linode's Dashboard labeled "Storage" refers to the amount of space you currrently have available to create disk images for your Linode.
If you see the message "You have allocated 100% towards disk images", this only means that you've used all the space available under your current plan to create disks. For example, a 1 GB Linode configured with a 256 MB swap disk and a 20224 MB boot disk would have used 100% of the 20480 MB available under that plan.