IPv6 support?

I noticed my linode kernel has IPv6 support.

Does linode have any plans to offer IPv6 support?

I know I could get my own tunnelbroker account, but I'm lazy and really don't need 2^64 addresses. Just enough to write 0xDEADBEEF in would be cool.

3 Replies


I use them for my tunnel service, works nice :)

Just what benifit is there in using IPV6? I'm aware of its much bigger address space, but what sort of here-and-now advantage is there to running it?


Just what benifit is there in using IPV6? I'm aware of its much bigger address space, but what sort of here-and-now advantage is there to running it?

The greater address space means you never have to use NAT.

NAT is evil.


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