mysql performance


I host some databases on my linode 256 server. What happened is that one of my client's database grew a lot (its largest table has 150mb) and the performance is becoming far from acceptable.

I'm using mysql 4.0.21-7 on a debian [sarge] setup.

Do you people have any advice on how to improve this performance ? Do any of you recommend switching to postgresql ? Everything's written using php's PEAR::DB abstraction layer, so it won't be a problem

Thanks a lot for any advice

2 Replies

What are the current sizes of keybuffer and tablecache? Have you tried changing them? What is the memory usage like on your Linode - is there room for a really big key buffer?

I'm debugging the problem, I just found out my iorate (on /proc/iostatus) go as high as 6000 when I'm updating a large table on mysql … maybe there's something to remedy this ?


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