Reselling Linode Services

Hello, first, sorry for my (very poor) english. :oops:

Second. sorry for use this forum for sale questions, but I don't find an email for that.

Well, I need to know if is possible resell Linode virtual servers and if "yes", if exists some special conditions (discounts, etc).

We have a medium ISP in Brazil (for almost 8 years), and we have various dedicated servers in NAC (our primary supplier). But, in NAC we can't offer services related with IRC and file sharing, etc. (TOS). For this reason, we have interest and urgency in find other supplier for this kind of service.

My other doubt is: for example, if I resell 5 Linodes and if in 1 or 2 Linodes we (Linode and me) have problems with illegal practices (frauds, attacks, scam, spam, etc) from the customer side, what happens? Linode cancel only the virtual servers envolved, or ALL my accounts ? This is the most important concern that we have, because - off course - we can't put in risk the good customers because the bad guys, and because is impossible knows the real reasons behind an order.

The second most important doubt is: activation time.

How long is done?

Thank you so much.


2 Replies

I hope caker doesn't allow reselling of linodes – one of the things that makes linode good is that caker screens the customers before activation, which usually keeps the script kiddies away.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the ToS or AUP that specifically forbids reselling.

Ana seems to be expecting trouble - his hypothetical situation is five Linodes with one or two giving trouble - 20 to 40% of his customers involved in "frauds, attacks, scam, spam, etc."

Before Ana signs up, perhaps he should reread the ToS and AUP, referring particularly to the charges that he might have to pay Linode for fixing any problems that his customers cause.


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