trying to make PPP conn. from windows with MPPE encryption


When I try to set MPPE encryption on poptop and on the

windows client, I cannot connect and have this error in my logs:

MPPE required, but kernel has no support.

I tried with 2.4 and 2.6 but no success.

In forum search I read that MPPE was available in linode UML.

Anyone connect his/her linode with MPPE encryption on?

Thanks in advance,


18 Replies

I tried and failed a while back. I don't know why it doesn't work, though - maybe it needs to be a module? If that's so, that won't fly in a UML environment, due to the security risks. I was able to set up an unencrypted PPTP session, but that's really of little practical use - so I use SSH port forwarding to tunnel services back to my local system, while using firewall rules to keep unauthorized users out.

I need this aswell.

Admins, whats the status on this?

is mppe support included in the latest kernels? …a lil help please?

I tried this a while back as well and couldn't get it to work. It would be very handy.

admins, can you please post ur decision as to this will be available or not? This is a requirement for me at this point. So I need to get it working asap.


Linode Staff

I'll make sure to include the MPPE patch in the 2.6 UML kernels from now on.

Look for this in the next 2.6 Linode kernel release.



When are you planning to make this available?

  • Jasmeet
Linode Staff

When I release the 2.6.11 Linode kernel. I'm hoping they release 2.6.11 final Real Soon Now…


mppe patch:

waasnt this already placed into the 2.4 kernels?

ppp w/ windows:

i could be wrong but im pretty sure it was. and i spent a while trying to get ppp working again, as ive discussed in a few threads on here and rip knows i was doing it as well.. i could get everyting working bar the encryption side of things, tho if u do managge to get this working, id be very very interested to know how

ill post what i did after :)



I dont think MPPE is already in place in 2.4 or 2.6 kernels. As this is the only thing keeping us from using ppp w/ windows. It works without encryption but I dont feel safe doing that. I want encryption.

Any idea on when we might have this? Its been almost a month since the last post…when will you release the new kernel?


mppe patch:

waasnt this already placed into the 2.4 kernels?

ppp w/ windows:

i could be wrong but im pretty sure it was. and i spent a while trying to get ppp working again, as ive discussed in a few threads on here and rip knows i was doing it as well.. i could get everyting working bar the encryption side of things, tho if u do managge to get this working, id be very very interested to know how

ill post what i did after :)



anyone even looking at this topic anymore?


anyone even looking at this topic anymore?
Yes. I've held up the release of a 2.6.11 kernel, since it requires me to port to limiter over to it – a bunch of stuff moved around in UML.

Tell you what. I'll roll a new 2.6.10 kernel this evening, with the MPPE patch you requested.


is mppe in the 2.4's as well? because i was running the 2.4's when it said it wasnt in, and i was using the latest at the time




is mppe in the 2.4's as well? because i was running the 2.4's when it said it wasnt in, and i was using the latest at the time
No. It was in a 2.4 kernel long ago, but is no longer. Use 2.6.10-linode12 (and 2.6 kernels from here on out) if you need MPPE.

I'm curious if it works for you guys – please let me know.


ok ill try it later tonite when im not at a lan :P



ok that was funky

upgraded to the new kernel (thanx for the update caker) but eveyrthing shat itself

mysql wouldnt start, ssh connections started then just dropped out.. something went fubar BADLY


ok that was funky

upgraded to the new kernel (thanx for the update caker) but eveyrthing shat itself

mysql wouldnt start, ssh connections started then just dropped out.. something went fubar BADLY

If you went from 2.4 –> 2.6, do the mv /lib/tls /lib/tls-disabled


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Thanks caker for the mppe patch :D

yah for encryption! :)~~

so i can have people connect to vpn encrypted now! yah! :P

problem is, user a cant connect to user b and vice versa

both can connect to server and tlak to server, but nothing can talk to each other

any ideas?




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