host33 almost down

Any experience with form other users from today?

Today, it works very slow for me. Same thing happened few days ago.

I got load average upto 17. last example:

10:18:59 up 7 days, 7:56, 2 users, load average: 3.09, 16.11, 24.31

ssh to linode takes 2-3 minutes or I get rejected.

I run almost nothing, just webserver (little traffic), on members login it says that I am using 1% of CPU time.

Webserver is working also very slow.

top also shows nothing. (98 % idle)

uname -a

Linux li9-245 2.4.29-rc1-linode38-1um #1 Wed Jan 12 14:41:47 EST 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Any advices welcome.

2 Replies

Very slow for me too. I just initiated a reboot from the web interface (I'm downgrading to 2.6.9-linode9 to check if it makes a difference) and after 5 minutes it is still "waiting on host" for the shutdown.

The reboot finally was triggered a few moments after my message, it took roughly 5 minutes to bring the Linode down. I'm now running 2.6.9-linode9.


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