linode experience


00:48:23 up 269 days, 9:54, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.00
269 days is the last time I've rebuilt (thus rebooted) my linode (I can't remember the last time the host was rebooted). Since that time I've installed/upgraded mysql/apache/qmail/etc a few times, converted the /var partition from ext3 to reiserfs, and locked myself out with bad iptables or pam rules (console access via the host machine is a life saver).

I signed up with linode in June of 2003. After the first week I personally haven't had a single host-related problem, only the infrequent network problem (data-center issues really).

This is just my experience. From time to time I've read about various host problems in the forums (failing disks, etc) and when it's happened, Chris has always seemed to be on top of it.

  • kenny

1 Reply

Hear, hear!

I've also been here since last summer, and Linode has been rock solid. I never hesitate to recommend it to people looking for a server presence. I often end up becoming their administrator, but heck, it's fun!

Linode got my Web services business off the ground. Although my main server now is its own piece of hardware someplace else, Linode was a vital part of the bootstrapping process, and still acts as the backup and performs other tasks.

Kudos to caker!


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