Announce: LiveJournal feed of announcement and status forums

I've created a syndicated LiveJournal feed which tracks the " Announcements" and "System and Network Status" forums here. Whenever a new thread is created on one of these two boards, its subject line and a link to the thread is posted to LiveJournal within an hour or so. This way LJ users can keep up on the official announcements from Linode without having to periodically check in on the forums.

To subscribe, just add linodestatus to your LJ friends list.

2 Replies

EDIT: just checked out what LiveJournal really is… I had a wrong idea of what it was : my post below is irrelevant.

There are already RSS feeds for these forums, in fact I found out about your post thanks to my web-based RSS aggregator

This is using them. LJ has its own RSS aggregator, but in order to set up a feed that they're not already carrying, you have to have a paid LJ account. So, since I was going to set up the feed for my own use anyway, I figured other people might be interested as well.


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