No response on my refund requests!!!!!!

At the end of December I cancelled my account and requested a refund. However, ever since I have been completely ignored by Linode and my e-mails were unanswered.

Have send a dozen of e-mail so far. No reply yet… I don't like such a service.


Frank Zhang

4 Replies

BTW, I am sure I canceld my account within 7 days.

@Frank Zhang:

Have send a dozen of e-mail so far. No reply yet… I don't like such a service.
Dozens? I received your Linode cancel notice from my system, and another email on Christmas day. Your refund is coming, things are a little hectic during the holidays. I'll be sure to email you back once it's been posted.

Thank you for your patience.


Sure, I haven't tried to cancel and request a refund. I'm sure they will get this resolved for you as efficiently as linode has handled my colocation needs over the last 1.5 years.


Hi caker,

I sent 3 or 4 emails to you but I didn't get any response. Thank you for letting me know the status.


Frank Zhang


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