What license is the new linode-cli released under?

Hoping that a Linode staff member will catch this :)

I've packaged the new development release of linode-cli for Arch Linux [1], but if I upload it to the AUR without a valid license it may be removed.

The original Linode CLI interface was released under GPL2. Is this still the case?

It would be much appreciated if you could add the required license information to the git repo.

Thanks in advance, Slithery :)

[1] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=235793

3 Replies

Hey Slithery. As an Arch user I can't let this injustice stand. Let me pluck around and see what I can do about that LICENSE file. Stay Tuned…

We have updated the repo to include a 3-clause BSD license.


Cheers for getting this looked at for me, I've just uploaded the following packages to the AUR…



I'm not currently following the git master for each of these projects as the version requirements aren't currently in sync, will be updating the versions manually for now :)


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