Plan Upgrade

If I upgrade from my current Linode 64 to say a Linode 128, will I have to reinstall the OS? Or is the extra HDD space added as a new partition?

2 Replies

From what I understand (I haven't personally done this before, but others has) – it's just a matter of shutting down the Linode, then caker moves it to another machine in the same data center, increasing your disk quota, then you just start it up.

You can either grow an ext3 filesystem to use the additional disk space, or you can create a new disk image for the extra space and attach it to the profile.

No OS reinstall needed, though.

I've done 3 upgrades already. You submit a work order. Chris put a script which migrates your linode images to the new host. You can hit the button (initiate the script) at your convience.


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