Anyone using typo3 on a Linode 64?


I currently have several websites hosted at the several location and I'm looking to move to but I would like to know if a Linode64 config could support typo3 and a quite busy PhpBB forum???

Anyone using Typo3 on a linode64??

Thanks in advance


3 Replies

What is typo3?

I've never heard of it.

I have tested typo3 on a Linode 64, but it was only ever under a very light load (two or three simultaneous users, but with a bunch of mail services running as well). Apache, PHP and MySQL, need to be configured carefully to minimise memory usage on a Linode 64. Disk I/O bandwidth is the system resource most subject to contention on a Linode host, so swapping inflicts a considerable performance penalty and excessive swapping is punished by the host system. Installing typo3 requires that the PHP memory_limit be increased from the default 8MB to 32 MB - if it ever uses all this (and I'm not sure what circumstances would bring this about) then you will most likely run short of memory.

Try a 64 - you might find it's OK (as long as you aren't trying to run a load of mail services as well) but budget for upgrading to a 128.


What is typo3?

I've never heard of it.

It's a content management system. Info here and here.


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