Load issues on host30

It's come time to reload one of our nodes, and I'm noticing extremely high load on host30. Anyone else experiencing problems?

4 Replies

mrtg on my linode just recorded a huge network spike. i've noticed these things in the graphs before and i always thought it must be some anomaly in the data collection. perhaps there really was 100M/s of traffic just now.

here's the graph: http://dorothy.movealong.org/mrtg/dorothy.eth0.html

I think your MRTG output is probably accurate. I was seeing huge load on the host, now it seems to be down to about 50%. The traffic looks to be all incoming, perhaps a DDOS?

perhaps it is, but not against me. i don't have any enemies, and i don't do anything worth attacking.

Anyone grab some tcpdump output when this occured? You guys shouldn't be seeing any traffic unless it's destined for your IPs themselves…



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