Typical Datacenter Transfer Wait Time

Is there anyone who has experience of datacenter transfer at Linode? What is the typical wait time for the datacenter transfer request? Will I receive any notification if there is no vacancy on another data center? I have a Linode 256 at The Planet. I leave anything untouched (I haven’t even run the Distribution Wizard yet) and hope I can move to Hurricane Electric ASAP so I can start working on it.

Please advice, thanks!

> [8309] Moving to he.net facility

Status: NEW

Opened On: 08-Dec-04

Last Updated On: 08-Dec-04


Our office is physically located in Taipei, Taiwan. And we connect to the United States via an ISP called Sparqnet. Because the routing issue between Teleglobe and Sprintlink, our connection to The Planet facility have a high ping response time (500~700ms in many cases) and can cause packet loss some time. However because he.net peer to PAIX directly which don't travel through US local carrier so such problem can be eliminated.

I haven't deployed anything to the host machine yet and would you please move me to a machine located in he.net facility. Thank you for your help and have a nice day.

12 Replies


It usually depends on if there is free space at the datacenter you are moving to.


I applied to move to HE over a month ago for similar reasons - low pings to Australia.

I'm yet to hear back.

So you haven’t received any response for over a month now? May I know what kind of Linode you have (64 or 128 or 256 or others)?


I'm yet to hear back.

How can we tell if there is any vacancy at the he.net facility since we receive no response? If he.net facility is so popular then caker should consider deploy some new servers at the he.net facility to meet the demand.

Still, please share your moving experience.


So you haven’t received any response for over a month now? May I know what kind of Linode you have (64 or 128 or 256 or others)?


I'm yet to hear back.

How can we tell if there is any vacancy at the he.net facility since we receive no response? If he.net facility is so popular then caker should consider deploy some new servers at the he.net facility to meet the demand.

Still, please share your moving experience.

Have you guys tried the IRC channel? If you find caker on there you should be able to get your question answered pretty quickly. I have no idea why he hasn't responded to your requests or these forum threads. Your best bet is to ask him directly.


Have you guys tried the IRC channel?

Yes, I did looked for caker on the IRC for days but without luck. Who knows?

 <tom_at_home>!seen caker
 <linbot>tom_at_home: caker was last seen here 1 day, 18 hours, 40 minutes, and 39 seconds ago saying: <caker> scary</caker></linbot></tom_at_home>

Do you think I should really give him a call on the phone if I can't reach him on the IRC?


I have no idea why he hasn't responded to your requests or these forum threads.

So do you have any experience of moving a Lonode between datacenters? Would someone who does please share your experience. Many thanks!

I moved my linode from ThePlanet to HE soon after caker began sticking linode servers at HE.

I think I was one of the first cross-datacenter moves, so I can't really say if much has changed. I had a several gig account at that point, and it took something like an hour to move. If the question is how long will it take to physically do the transfer, and the account being moved doesn't have any files yet, then I'm guessing it will be very fast, indeed.

As for how long it'll take for there to be room at HE, I couldn't guess. And I'm not moving. I get <20ms access to my linode from home, whereas it was more like 65-80ms with ThePlanet. But, I also live about 25 minutes from the HE datacenter. ;)


low pings

After some testing I found I am not only suffer from high ping time and packet loose but also very low network throughput to my office. In best case it can only run in about 75K/s and it is even slower then the slowest ADSL that we could get in my town (100K/s). However, I can download ISO image from RHN Easy ISO (https://download.rhn.redhat.com/) at 250K/s so I believe datacenter peering can impact network throughput.

Can someone at he.net provide a file for me to do the test? If you don’t want to post here you can send me a private message. I will run the test for only once so it won’t use much bandwidth.

Originally I plan to use my Linode as streaming media server for our company but the current situation makes it unusable for us.


I also live about 25 minutes from the HE datacenter.

So you live in Fremont, CA?

Linode Staff


I applied to move to HE over a month ago for similar reasons - low pings to Australia.

I'm yet to hear back.

I'm not showing any open tickets for you. (/me looks).. Ok, there's an old ticket that I closed since it the ticket was open for such a long time without any free slots opening up. I can do that for you now. If you're still interested, please re-open another ticket (as I mentioned in my update)…



Just got a message from caker telling me I can move to he.net now. I thought I am not going to receive any response during weekend but caker does work on weekend. Thank you for the hard work, caker and thank you all for sharing your experience.

Just a note for those of you who want to move from datacenter to datacenter. Please read and follow the instruction sent to you by caker carefully. If you don’t follow the steps exactly as what is written in the message you may lost your network connectivity (missing eth0). I am waiting for caker to sort out the mess I have done with my Linode.

You could connect to the console and fix it yourself.

via Lish


Linode Staff


You could connect to the console and fix it yourself.
This time it was my fault – the IP I assigned to his Linode wasn't allocated to the host he moved to. It was fixed early this morning and he's all set…



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