Brute force attacks

Hello all,

I guess I am very concerned about my log watches today. Usually I get several failed attempts from various ip addresses, nothing that I would classify as severe…. But today I found this tid bit in my log watch (See below). The question is now; is there some reporting proceedure that I should follow in reporting this address to someone, also are there any steps I can take to prevent anymore of this??


Authentication Failures:

root ( ): 560 Time(s)

root ( ): 1 Time(s)

Failed password for root from ::ffff: port 48570 ssh2

Failed password for root from ::ffff: port 48755 ssh2

Failed password for root from ::ffff: port 48947 ssh2

Failed password for root from ::ffff: port 49136 ssh2

Failed password for root from ::ffff: port 49341 ssh2

< Snipped because I think you see where this is going>

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