Getting tomcat (or equiv) to run on port 80...

Hello fellow linode users,

I have been trying to get Jetty (Tomcat clone) to work along side Apache on port 80, so I can host a blog (pebble) on my linode with the address of “domain/blog” instead of “domain:8080/blog/”. I haven’t had any luck so far, here is my setup

Debian Linux 3.0, Apache 1.3.26, Jetty 4.2.22 and Mod_JK 3.3a-4

My understanding is the modjk Apache module should give me this functionality but with modjk enabled, Apache wont start, the following error is generated in error.log:

[emerg] (2)No such file or directory: Error while opening the workers

I have modified httpd.conf with these additions, I have tried numerous combinations as well, none work:

LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
AddModule     mod_jk.c
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache/
Include /etc/apache/conf/mod_jk.conf

I can list the and mod_jk.conf files, if it will help, it doesn’t seem to make any difference what I put in them but I wonder if I need to change the permissions on these files, this is how it’s setup at the moment –

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          245 Nov 26 14:06
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          110 Nov 26 05:28 mod_jk.conf

If anyone has any suggestions on how I might fix this, it would be very welcome, as after spending 2 or 3 days on this issue, I pretty much gave up, along with the idea of hosting a blog.

3 Replies

Linode Staff

Check out the reverse-proxy functionality of Apache's mod_proxy module.

For example:

ProxyRequests Off

ProxyPass /blog
ProxyPassReverse /blog

(careful with those trailing slashes)

Reverse proxy even allows you to proxy remote sites .. so I could have bring up for example :)


Thanks Chris, I'll give that a try, it certainly sounds simpler than modjk. I would still be interested to know if anyone has had better luck with the modjk module, than me, as well.

Sorry to reply to my own thread again but I just wanted to let you know mod_proxy worked exactly as you described. I even copied and pasted your code straight into httpd.conf after enabling the module, it doesn't get any eaiser than that :D

Going back to the jetty FAQ I can see they mentioned modproxy but I didn't really take it in and tried modjk instead.


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