Linode & blacklists

I'm currently looking at migrating a small business from a Verio VPS to Linode, but I've had some severe blacklist problems with the IP range that Verio gave us. Unfortunately, this kept us from being able to deliver critical emails to some of our customers, and with this migration I want to make sure that we don't end up in the same boat.

I noticed a few blacklist threads in the forum (like this thread, this one, and this one) and grew a bit concerned. Is this something I should be worried about? As in, will I have the same blacklisting difficulties with Linode that I've had with Verio; is this a problem I should just expect to encounter when dealing with a VPS setup?

Thanks for any assistance in advance!


2 Replies

Hello Glenn,

Your bound to find entire IP ranges in some of those blacklists, which in my opinion is ridiculous. And it's for that reason that many people don't use them.

Myself, and my providers have a zero-tolerance policy against SPAM, and for that reason you can be assured that if any of the IP ranges are listed, it's not because of our fault. Also, with some services, even though they're aware of the IP range, the overall "score" is low enough that it doesn't warrant being denied.

About two of the IP ranges from each of my providers are listed in one or two of those blacklists, and to be honest, no one has had any problems to my knowledge. If you're concerned, I can make sure you're in an IP range that's "clean".


Thanks for the reassurance and quick reply!



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