lish login problems

I cant seem to login to my lish, for some reason i am unable to connect to my node so i want to check the boot messages, according to the website my member user/pass will work but it doesnt seem to could someone help, maybe im doing something wrong?

4 Replies

You're already logged into Lish, so I know it worked.

Perhaps after sshing into Lish (using your website username and password), you're now seeing your Linode's login prompt? In that case, use your root/pass, or one of your user accounts…


(where x is the number of the host that runs your Linode) should do it.

What ssh client are you using? What (if anything) actually happens instead of opening a connection to your Linode's console?

Edit: Oops - too late.

you also cannot login twice to the lish :-)

Yeah, posted that too soon, i figured it out. But thanks for the help.


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