
i have a weird problem. im trying to setup CNAMES. such as ftp.pantiez.org mail.pantiez.org www.pantiez.org and irc.pantiez.org

ftp.pantiez.org and mail.pantiez.org resolve just fine, but for some reason www.pantiez.org wont, they are all setup the same exact way in the zone file. here it is


@ IN SOA ns1.pantiez.org. root.pantiez.org. (

199609232 ; serial, todays date + todays serial #

8H ; refresh, seconds

2H ; retry, seconds

4W ; expire, seconds

1D ) ; minimum, seconds

NS ns1.pantiez.org.

NS ns1.pantiez.org.

MX 10 pantiez.org. ; Primary Mail Exchanger

TXT "pantiez.org"

localhost A

pantiez.org. A

ns1 A

ftp.pantiez.org. IN CNAME pantiez.org.

www.pantiez.org. IN CNAME pantiez.org.

mail.pantiez.org. IN CNAME pantiez.org.

irc.pantiez.org. IN CNAME pantiez.org.

see, www is the same as ftp (which resolves) any ideas?

1 Reply

$ host ftp.pantiez.org
ftp.pantiez.org is an alias for ns1.pantiez.org.
ns1.pantiez.org has address
ftp.pantiez.org is an alias for ns1.pantiez.org.
ftp.pantiez.org is an alias for ns1.pantiez.org.
$ host www.pantiez.org
www.pantiez.org is an alias for ns1.pantiez.org.
ns1.pantiez.org has address
www.pantiez.org is an alias for ns1.pantiez.org.
www.pantiez.org is an alias for ns1.pantiez.org.


Works For Me ™. I suspect you have a DNS server somewhere doing some caching. Try setting the TTL to a small value (60s or so) until you get everything working.


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