Sendmail/Port 25 on host24

Was wondering if port 25 is disabled for some reason on my account or if this is just the default. I can connect to port 25 locally but not from anywhere else. This is a fresh-install of the O/S and there is nothing loaded in iptables/ipchains.



3 Replies

Most distributions these days configure the MTA to only listen to the loopback interface ( by default. If you're running Sendmail on Fedora Core, you will want to comment out ("dnl") the line in /etc/mail/ that says:

DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

After editing you should cd to /etc/mail and run make to rebuild, and then use service sendmail restart or /etc/init.d/sendmail restart to restart sendmail.

Note: if you are going to use your system as an outbound mail server, you should enable TLS and SMTP AUTH on ports 587 and/or 465. You don't want to run an open relay.

I am using pop-before-smtp and it workes like a dream…


I am using pop-before-smtp and it workes like a dream…
Be aware that this isn't secure with vanilla POP. POP authenticates in the clear, so your username and password are easily sniffed. If that happens, not only is your mail compromised, but also your server can relay spam. It's better than an open relay but is still vulnerable.


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