PoPToP - Debian - PPP VPN

has anyone successfully been able to set up pptpd on debian on linode?

Im basicly trying to set up a vpn server (compatible with winxp) that creates a local area network between the vpn connected clients.

Im getting wierd error msgs left right and centre.. thats when it actually connects.. ppp seems to crash constantly..

anyone have a howto or know how to set this up properly? or anyone else had the same kinda problems

with a custom compiled ppp :-

Nov 2 13:58:53 manticore pptpd[2710]: CTRL: Client control connection started

Nov 2 13:58:54 manticore pptpd[2710]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE)

Nov 2 13:58:54 manticore pptpd[2710]: CTRL: Ignored a SET LINK INFO packet with real ACCMs!

Nov 2 13:58:54 manticore pptpd[2710]: GRE: read(fd=4,buffer=804e6c0,len=8196) from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error, usually caused by unexpected termination of pppd, check option syntax and pppd logs

Nov 2 13:58:54 manticore pptpd[2710]: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed (pty,gre)=(4,5)

Nov 2 13:58:54 manticore pptpd[2710]: CTRL: Reaping child PPP[2711]

Nov 2 13:58:54 manticore pptpd[2710]: CTRL: Client control connection finished

with default ppp

Nov 2 14:03:04 manticore pptpd[2762]: CTRL: Client control connection started

Nov 2 14:03:04 manticore pptpd[2762]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE)

Nov 2 14:03:04 manticore pptpd[2762]: GRE: read(fd=4,buffer=804e6c0,len=8196) from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error, usually caused by unexpected termination of pppd, check option syntax and pppd logs

Nov 2 14:03:04 manticore pptpd[2762]: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed (pty,gre)=(4,5)

Nov 2 14:03:04 manticore pptpd[2762]: CTRL: Reaping child PPP[2763]

Nov 2 14:03:04 manticore pptpd[2762]: CTRL: Client control connection finished

any help would be great

2 Replies

I've gotten it to work, by dispensing with the Debian ppp package and compiling ppp-2.4.2 from a tarball, along with PoPToP. However, I have not been able to get MPPE encryption to work, even with kernels that have had MPPE support compiled in. I've abandoned the idea of using a VPN to the Linode because of this. By comparison, my FC1 box at home works fine with MPPE. I might try OpenVPN some time (it's SSL-based rather than PPTP), but I'll need to get some more round tuits before trying it. The drawback, of course, is that Windows doesn't have built-in OpenVPN support…

So i managed to find a patch for ppp that fixes the mppe type thing problem and i log in, it says registering on the network, ten it crashes.. now i think that just might be my firewall at home.. but i still need to check that.. effort of unpluging cable modem from router and directly into my computer is still very hard to find at the moment :P

ill check it after work tonite and get back to you guys..

i think it should be doable




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