Host Summary

Under Host Summery it says:

Your Linode has consumed xx% of one Host CPU for this month.

What does that mean? And what happens when/if i hit 100% ?

7 Replies

I've always wondered what exactly this is as well ;)

the amount of time your linode has spent on the cpu based on the seconds past so far this month


I just saw this on IRC.

> < ninkendo> hmm, when it says (on your home config page) "Your linode has consumed 1% of one Host CPU for this month", that does mean you've used 1% of the CPU you're allowed to use?

< ninkendo> or is it just a way of ranking you among other users on your host?

< adamg> just the amount of time your linode has spend on the cpu based on the seconds past so far this month

< ninkendo> ah

Any ideas if this applies to one host CPU, or is it an average over both of them?

It's the amount of CPU time your Linode has used in seconds, divided by the number of seconds since the start of the month.

cpu_time / ( DAYOFMONTH(NOW()) * 24 * 60 * 60 ) * 100 as avg

Also, there have been reports lately that there's a bug which results in very high averages.


> Also, there have been reports lately that there's a bug which results in very high averages.

I think so : until now I believed the % to be :

mylinodecputime / ( totalcputimeaccrosslinodesonthishost) * 100


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