trouble with email

Hi. Kind of new to this. Have a couple virtual sites running on my linode yet I have no idea how to set up mail for these? I'd even be happy with mail forwarding.

help? :cry:

3 Replies


Hi. Kind of new to this. Have a couple virtual sites running on my linode yet I have no idea how to set up mail for these? I'd even be happy with mail forwarding.

help? :cry:

You will need to setup a mail server. I personally prefer qmail with vpopmail. If you are using Gentoo for your distro the following URL provides a step-by-step guide.

Even if you are not using Gentoo it might be a good place to point you in the right direction.


You will need to setup a mail server. I personally prefer qmail with vpopmail. If you are using Gentoo for your distro the following URL provides a step-by-step guide.

Even if you are not using Gentoo it might be a good place to point you in the right direction.

I second the notion, it's exactly what I'm currently using.

I tried that route and I settled on postfix for its simplicity.

I wanted the maildir format and postfix was the easiest to implement in my debian environment.

a tip for the weary, use a test domain to set up your email before you switch over your users or current site to the new system.


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