contract on paper


I represent a company and, for accounting issues, I need a contract on paper between my company and yours - signed and stamped by both parts. Can that be arranged?

Thank you in advance

Munteanu Gabriel

Manager Jlin Tehnologii srl

2 Replies

Who's contract? You mean the ToS and AUP policies? Also, by "signed and stamped" you mean notarized?



Who's contract? You mean the ToS and AUP policies? Also, by "signed and stamped" you mean notarized?


As I see it , the contract will be between "Shore Network Technologies" and "JLIN Tehnologii" . Here, the contracts look like this.

                                        Contract no. 1234
          1 Company, with offices in... address...., represented by ...... called further on provider, and
           2 Company ...................................................................... called client
             both agree upon this and that.
         the provider will provide that and that service and the client must pay NN $ per month by credit card
             ............................. etc ......................

        Provider                                                        Client
       "Shore Network Technologies"                 JLIN Tehnologii
          Signature                                               Signature
           Company's stamp                                Company's stamp

By signed and stamp i don't mean notarized, what i mean is signed by you and me with a pen, and by stamped , i don't know if i am correct here - you see my company has a stamp and I stamp with it every official act I release(contracts,bills,etc…).

Looking forward to your answer


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