Host11 not responding.

I've tried contacting from two separate locations, with no results. Anybody else experiencing downtime?

UPDATE: This may have something to do with pack loss in the HE data center, thread here:

4 Replies

I am having problems connecting to my linode on host20, for the last half-hour. I don't know when this started. The queue is not responsive (the reboot job is "waiting on host"), so I guess there must be some system-level failure.


I am having problems connecting to my linode on host20, for the last half-hour. I don't know when this started. The queue is not responsive (the reboot job is "waiting on host"), so I guess there must be some system-level failure.
I've got the same problem with jobs stuck in the queue. I have only to assume these issues are being caused by the packet loss over at HE. Chris has been in contact with the data center, and is awaiting further information.

Looks like my account is back up. It was out for at least a half-hour, maybe more - I don't know when this started.

The reboot jobs are stuck in the queue now still waiting on host. Looks like the reboot is not necessary anymore, but there is no way to get rid of it. On the other hand, it is not clear whether the job is going to be carried out at all.

My system was back up, running fine at 2:20am Pacific time. Check yours - maybe the hurricane is over :D


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