Slow user support


I found people from is responding posts to this forum

and I'm posting one as I haven't had any support.

I've lost my virtual server while ago for unknown reason.

I tried to check why and login to the support system, my support account is not working either. As I have recorded my login and password in my PDA, I'm sure I had right password.

As I cannot use the support system, I sent emails to but I had no luck. I've sent three times and I have been waiting for a week.

As I've lost my web site for a week, and I had no support from linode, I'm pretty dissapointed with the user support. I lose a week worth of my emails and my website until I moved my DNS and mailserver to other server.

Anyway, as a first step,

I need my's support account to be recovered.

My account name is 'gaku' and my registered email address was gaku-linode



3 Replies


As I cannot use the support system, I sent emails to but I had no luck. I've sent three times and I have been waiting for a week.
And I've replied three times with no bounce-backs or any other messages to indicate that you didn't receive the emails…

In short, your account was disabled on the 10th for lack of payment, and terminated on the 15th. You were sent several notices before and after the 10th. I do still have your disk images -- if you want to re-register an account, I can move your disk images over to your new account.




> And I've replied three times with no bounce-backs or any other messages to indicate that you didn't receive the emails…
I cannot imagine that I received all three messages and ignored them as I sent them two two different accounts and I don't have spam filter on these accounts.

Also, I have indicated my phone numbers and other email address….

Anyway, I re-registered to linde as 'gakuueda'. Can you move the disk image once it is ready?




Anyway, I re-registered to linde as 'gakuueda'. Can you move the disk image once it is ready?
I've activated your account, except I kept the old username (it made it easier to position the images). However, you are on a new host and a new IP address.




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