Host Load for my Linode.

I'm finding that the hostload for my linode is frequently 'high', as shown below:

~~![](<URL url=)" />

Is this normal? It happens quite often, and the linode is barely accessible when the load is up that high.

P.S. Is this the load for the whole server? Or just my VPS?

Edit: Oh yes, i'm on Linode128.~~

4 Replies

Thank God I'm not the only one! I'm on host13 as well and have been noticing some huge spikes in my load at weird times.

I have a Linode 128, and it seems pretty responsive most of the time. My io_rate rarely goes over the 200 refill rate, and my linode has a pretty consistent load average of about 0.4 with spikes when I do package installs to a little over 1.0.

I've begun noticing that at about 7:45am CST every morning there's a HUGE load spike on my Linode & all of my stats that update every minute fail completely. By the time my stats logging comes back on the first value it records for load is over 20! So I'm guessing that means that it peaked well above that even!

I started another forum about this issue a few days ago here. I'll continue watching this forum for more discussion on the issue.

(By the way, it can't be my Linode's fault: my Linode has only consumed 3% of 1 one host cpu for the month!)

Mine was also pretty screwed over last night at about 1am. it was horrible.

Yeah… I am getting quite concerned as well… When the load is high (or sometimes even just at medium), there's no way to get to the host to see what's going on. The only thing I have done is to restart the VPS. And upon restarting, everything almost always seems to be OK.

I received a ticket regarding this early this morning and took care of it. A few people were swap-thrashing, so I've limited them down.



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