Disk Image Settings Question

So I wanna play with ReiserFS, I was hoping to just stop some services, umount /var, mkfs.reiserfs, etc.. then I saw

Instead of reformatting an ext3 filesystem, make sure to create a "RAW" disk image via the control panel
so I'm guessing there's some black-magic that takes place before a linode boot that won't behave nicely if my "FS Type" (in Disk Images) is still set to ext3? Might there be a way to change the "FS Type" from ext3 to raw without actually recreating the partition and killing my 144 day :cry: uptime?


1 Reply

RAW just prevents the LPM from running the resize routines on the disk image, thinking it's an ext2/3 volume – that's about the only reason. There are enough checks on the host-side that this would just error-out/abort anyway…

144 days of uptime? I'm not sure you have reiser support in a kernel that old. Have you checked /proc/filesystems?

If you still need me to tweak the image type, grab the image ID by going onto the edit screen, and look at the ID in the URL. Send that to me in a ticket, and I'll switch it to RAW type.



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