Question about why reboot is needed

How come when you purchase another IP for your linode, you have to reboot it? How come just binding it onto the box like normal doesn't work when it should?

I'm not complaining, altho it is sort of annoying. Just curious :P

2 Replies

Because of the ebtable rules on the host that protect your IP(s) from being bound by another Linode, and vice versa. Currently, this is only done by the setup script when your Linode boots. It's on the to-do list to be able to rebuild the host-side network rules via another job, so that purchasing an IP won't require a reboot.


ah okay. coolness.

thanks for the reply :)

Just as a suggestion, you should put that in the network information page that after you purchase a new IP, you have to reboot your linode.


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