Server Spec Question - Is UML okay for this ?


I'm currently looking at linode as a possible solution for my hosting issues.

Everything I've read on the forum and faq's makes it sound like a viable option over having a full dedicated solution.

The question I have is what type of concurrent connections some of the people have with their Linode's. Most of the post on the forums seem to be about small sites, that don't get to much traffic. Will a Linode suffice in my case:

+- 30 Websites

Avg website does about 200-1000 unique visits per month and consumes about 1Gig of Bandwidth per site

2 of the sites do 3000+ unique visitors and each consumes about 3Gig each.


Apache, MySql, Postgres, Tomcat…

It's not Google stats or anything major, but it does seem busier than most of the servers making use of the Linode solution. (This is purely an assumption from what I can pick up from the forum - and didn't read each post.)

Any feedback will be appreciated on anyone that currently runs a "busy" server, and if there are issues in this regard with UML servers ?



2 Replies

Servers such a Apache, MySQL, Postgres, etc. don't matter nearly as much as how much you're using them.

Also will you be hosting e-mail? Postfix+Courier-POP+Courier-IMAP take more system resources for me than my web sites do. Also if you use anti-spam programs like spamassasin, a low traffic server can still take a lot of resources.

If you're web traffic is mostly static or simple dynamic scripts than a higher end Linode should handle your sites fine. Now if you have a bunch of forums, resource hogging CMSs, and lots of DB activity, head for a dedicated server!

A lot of people come to the forums asking if Linode can handle their site, and the truth is it depends on a lot of factors. So we either need detailed stats or just compare Linode's stats to what your current hosting provider uses.

I have been meaning to run one of those load testing programs against the sites I host to see how they do. If I do that I'll try to post the results.

If I am calculating right, you are getting about 2-5 visits per minute, assuming higher traffic during day etc, which my instincts tell me would be easily handled by a linode, assuming simple web sites etc.

Since you are using Tomcat, I would suggest at least a Linode 128. On lower LInodes, their IO sharing limits and reduced memory make Tomcat perform badly in my experience.

IO sharing can be the bottleneck here. One way to know for sure would be go get a linode for a month, and migrate sites over one by one. There is a special IO sharing patch here that can be monitored by watching /proc/io_status . If you notice your IO running low during normal usage, you're approaching a limit.


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