ext3 partition -- deleting file doesn't reclaim disk space

I have a linode64, running Gentoo. I recently transferred a large file to the system….it was a little over a gig.

Today I deleted the file, but found this:

host tmp # df -m
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/ubd/0                2728      1762       939  66% /
none                        30         0        30   0% /dev/shm

Previously, there was just under 2 gigs free…

I've had this issue before with a few linux systems, and always had to re-mount the partition in order to reclaim the space. Is there any of doing this without having to re-mount the partition, which in my case, means rebooting the machine?


1 Reply

The file is probably still open by some process… at least, whenever I see this, that's always the problem. Try checking for the file with "lsof", to figure out what process might have it open. Once the file is closed, your space should return to being free.


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