Filtering Exes w/ Postfix

I have been running postfix on debian for some time with

bodychecks = pcre:/etc/postfix/mimeheader_checks

where mimeheaderchecks has:

/name=[^>]*.exe/ REJECT Files attached to emai…

The full file is from:

This worked great for a long time but suddenly I'm geting exes all the time. How can this happen? What is the correct way to filter executables efficiently with postfix?



PS: I tried to send a message to postfix-users but the yahoo groups thing was apparently too much overhead. Everything I sent bounced. Someone pls help.

2 Replies

You seem to have the Postfix filter bodychecks pointed to the mimeheader_checks file.

The content of your mimeheaderchecks file looks correct, if it is applied via headerchecks or mimeheader-checks.


You seem to have the Postfix filter bodychecks pointed to the mimeheader_checks file.

Yeah, I don't know why I used body_checks but this used to work. I tested it. Since then I have updated the debian install. Maybe it's no longer valid….


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